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Showing posts from June, 2015

May highlights: MGG MiniBarcamp – AutoTrader

A great event that I was part of in May was the Manchester Girl Geeks MiniBarCamp hosted by AutoTrader in the new part of town First Street! So...What is a BarCamp? Well it is a day where people come together and share interesting information with everyone else. So essentially you have no idea what you are going to find out about until the day of the show/presentations, as anyone who comes for the event is encouraged to give a presentation about any particular topic they feel passionate about. It is most commonly known as and ‘unconference’. Most of the talks presented are STEM related but don’t have to be, they can just be a piece of fun/interesting/cool information you want to share with everyone else. And the best part is it’s all free. So all you have to do is turn up and take part either as an audience member or to give a presentation. Program of the day: 1.       Morning:  a.        Registration (As you had to book your ticket before arriving) b.       R