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Showing posts from August, 2015

Women of Colour

Yakhani . Originated from the African name Akani which in the Xsonga language means: To Build .   This is a new Manchester based collective that I am part of, founded by Yan Nagaya.  We aim to bring together and empower young women of colour in the UK.    We started off with the Aviwe series, which will be an ongoing collection of talks on topics that affect women of colour. We would like to create a platform for young women to be heard and inspired.  The first event was held on Saturday 15.08.15. This event served both as an introduction to the collective and our Aviwe series - a collaboration with Eminent Youth Journal.   The discussion on the day was focused on notable women of colour from around the world.   By posing some key questions to the audience I lead the discussions. My questions covered women in: Politics.   T echnology/STEM. E ntertainment. Sport and  A uthors.     This is what I discovered: The highest number of women recognized as notabl