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Showing posts from September, 2015

Women in STEM: Carmen Garcia

I am happy to introduce you to a good friend of mine Carmen Garcia. She is a talented female engineer with a great passion for all STEM subjects. And just like me she is an advocate for getting more women in engineering.  We first met at the 2014 Manchester Girl geeks Barcamp - What is a Barcamp? Name:   María del Carmen García Lizárraga Industry:   Electrical Engineering Job:   I work in a research institution that gives support to the energy industries in Mexico. My areas of development are maintenance and reliability engineering . Something cool about my career:   Reliability engineering gives you a whole different perspective of how things work. As an engineer one is mainly trained for designing and building things, and it is only once you're out in the field when you realize that all these things might not work as expected, they can fail. Reliability engineering helps you understand industrial systems and machines so that you can estimate the probability of failu

Word of the Month: HEALTH

September  -  word of the month PS:  Don't miss my next post -  Subscribe  to my blog & get a  FREE  guide to being more organised!