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Showing posts from January, 2016

Real Woman in STEM: Anne S.

I am happy to present another great woman in STEM, who is loving life and her career. She is a computer scientist with a passion for helping people. Name:  Anne Ssuuna About: I am a gal who loves and thrives on technology . As a Seventh day Adventist Christian I always say to God you are the IT expert and I am the hands. I love helping people resolve their technical issue. Every day is a new day with new problems ready to be fixed. Subject/Industry:  Computing (Computer Science) Job title- what you do:   Infrastructure Analyst Typical daily routine : Communicating and providing support to staff, students and visitors within the school of computer science and the University either face to face, via the phone or through email.

January Musings

Inspiration   This quote has helped me many times when I have felt that people have judged me due to my appearance, circumstance or any other unknown reason. At the time I would feel hurt but after reading this quote, I find myself re-evaluating the situation and thinking to myself: why am I so concerned about how this person is treating me. Instead, why don't I just stop worrying about them and focus on how I want to treat others. The quote reminds me that if I want to see change, I should start with myself. How will I treat others and interact with them. If I treat others well that is a good and positive action.  I hope this short message inspires you today!  Now it's your turn: What quote has made you re-evaluate yourself instead of judging others? Natalie- Claire x PS:  Don't miss my next post -  Subscribe  to my blog & get a  FREE  guide to being more organised!