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Showing posts from September, 2017

Guest Post: The skills that blogging has given me

The skills that blogging has given me, that have helped me in my career. Hi, I'm Tori from Tori's World - a lifestyle blogger and a teacher. With the plethora of educational blogs out there, I've often wondered why I chose not to go down that route and instead to write a lifestyle blog but now into my third year of blogging, I can see how lifestyle blogging has given me skills and confidence beyond that I could imagine when I began. A little personal history first - I've read blogs for a long long time - almost since they first started appearing. I've also always loved writing and knew that this could be an outlet for me. Career-wise - teaching is all I've ever wanted to do. Every academic choice I made was geared towards being in front of the classroom one day. And I believe (as do those who assess us...) that I'm a blooming good teacher! I love the job and the differences, challenges and successes each day brings. After teaching for nearly 15 years, it’s

Engineered Success: Giulia E. Fenci

I’m so excited to introduce you to Giulia Evelina Fenci, a-27-year old, Italian born multilingual structural engineer and personal trainer who has completed her Mount Kilimanjaro climb . Giulia E. Fenci Bio: I was born in Siena, Italy and I now live in Salford. I am a graduate structural engineer and I am in the final year of my PhD at the University of Salford . At the same time, I work one week every month for an international engineering consultancy. I have just qualified as Personal Trainer and I have been fundraising to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of a charity called Dig Deep , that aims to bring clean water and sanitation to rural areas in Kenya. My main goals in life are to be healthy and happy . I want to do what I am passionate about and I want to find a job that will motivate me and inspire me to better myself every day. What are you passionate about?