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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Millennial Struggle

The lazy and entitled generation…. Really? This is a huge generalisation. I would say that most millennials are highly ambitious and willing to work hard to get what they want. We have high career aspirations, meaning we are most likely to have more than one career in our lifetime in comparison to our parents.  With the development of technology and the internet which a majority of us have grown up with, it is inevitable that we would make the most of it find or create new opportunities for ourselves. I find that millennials ( at least the ones I surround myself with ) are willing to hustle - a state of great activity: networking, learning and creating their own opportunities in life. This generation is skilled in computer technology and social media like no other generation thus the rising of new and unique careers are formed. Like many others, I started my blog: Engineer with style, this blog has brought me new experiences, new people, and new skills. It has opened my world