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Showing posts from March, 2019

Hello 2019

I've taken some time out to think about the direction I want this blog to go in 2019.  The most important thing for me is that my values are clear from the start. Going forward, I want to set the tone for my content and audience. So let's start here:  Things I've said Goodbye to in 2018: Hiding my Christian faith: I'm known for being all about productivity, personal development and a female engineer. As a woman of God, I am all those things and more. Fake friendships: being in a new city all I wanted to do was make new friends but as time went by I realised that some of these friendships do not align with my values and do not draw me closer to God.  Wanting to control everything in my life - I need to trust God more, trust the process and walk in faith.  2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)  For we walk by faith, not by sight. What I'm saying HELLO to in 2019: Serving my church and being of service in my community  Focusing on what God is leading