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Showing posts from May, 2019

Vegan Challenge

I’m challenging myself to be vegan full time, here’s my experience so far. The PLAN The plan is simple, to ensure I eat 100% plant-based food in May and hopefully continue.  I have wanted to go vegan since the beginning of the year but I have been struggling to just do it. So, I decided to challenge myself for a month and track my daily habits. ( I downloaded a goal tracker too - every day I put a tick if I was successful or cross if I wasn’t. ) I’ve stacked my fridge, freezer, and cupboards with vegan food so when I'm home I have no problem sticking to my challenge. The real challenge is when I leave the house - that’s when the struggle begins. I have already been a vegetarian for some time now so I understand the importance of having legumes - pulses and nuts for my protein and iron levels. I can’t live without having green vegetables on my plate as that has always been part of my diet since I was little.  The Struggle I have a sweet tooth, so I absolutely lo