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Showing posts from August, 2020

How being Organised Enhances your Productivity

To be more organised you need to prioritise what is important to you. I prioritise tasks in order of importance - that way the important things get done first. Being organised helps you to: Be more focused Be calmer and in control Get things done Manage your time better When you are better organised you are able to be consistent and productive with your tasks. Two things that have helped me get started with being more organised are planning and having a diary. You can use your diary to schedule everything: work, appointments, business tasks, social events, networking, time with family and even your free time. I schedule everything in my diary because it gives me a clear visual representation of what I’m doing and when. Planning Planning is an effective way to guarantee that the things you want to do will get done. It helps you stay organised and productive. Some things to think about when planning: What are your current goals? What are your core values? What is important to you? (your