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Showing posts from September, 2020

Plan Your Best Week

  5 Steps to help you plan a great week Step 1 - Set a date and time to plan your week ahead.  For example, on a Sunday afternoon or evening.  Step 2 - Write down your goals for the week: Personal and Professional.  Then make a list of tasks that will help you achieve those goals. This is essentially your To-Do list for the week. Step 3 - Prioritise Decide which tasks are the most important and aim to do them earlier in the week Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday so that you can get them out of the way. Then use the remainder of the week to do more mundane tasks, allowing your brain to rest.  Tip: Colour code your list to show importance. E.g - red, amber or green.  Step 4 - Schedule time for everything.  Put both your personal and professional appointments in your diary. That way you can clearly see the amount of time you spend on the different areas of your life. Adjust when you see an imbalance or when necessary.   Step 5 - Create a weekly routine. Once you know the tasks that you do or