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Showing posts from 2015

My 2015 Review + 2016 Goals

Goals, Challenges and Successes – 2015 Artist: Yan Nagaya Wow! It's already December!  This is my review of 2015 – what went well and what didn’t go so well. These are my goals, challenges and successes of the year. I’ve also included a few of my  2016 goals . 2015  Goals ·          Learn French ·          Complete my masters degree ·          Inspire others ·          Say ‘Yes’ to new projects Yakhani. Community projects. Volunteering. ·          Attempt a 10k marathon

Can girls Code?

Learning to code – my journey Like many of you I have gadgets with many APPs on them, they are fun, educational and helpful. Our use of technology has increasingly become a part of our everyday life. From the start of the day to the end of the day, we have various APPs to help us get through the day . So what is an APP? It is a software application that can be used on various devices such as: mobile phone, tablet, laptops and computers. They are designed to help your life – this can be in health, entertainment, communication and creating. Some of that I have: Alarm, Exercise, Bible, Language and Facebook APPs and many more! Source: Source: Most of these APPs are part of my daily routine and I wondered what APP I could create to make my life easier. So I had an idea to create my own APP b

Women in STEM: Carmen Garcia

I am happy to introduce you to a good friend of mine Carmen Garcia. She is a talented female engineer with a great passion for all STEM subjects. And just like me she is an advocate for getting more women in engineering.  We first met at the 2014 Manchester Girl geeks Barcamp - What is a Barcamp? Name:   María del Carmen García Lizárraga Industry:   Electrical Engineering Job:   I work in a research institution that gives support to the energy industries in Mexico. My areas of development are maintenance and reliability engineering . Something cool about my career:   Reliability engineering gives you a whole different perspective of how things work. As an engineer one is mainly trained for designing and building things, and it is only once you're out in the field when you realize that all these things might not work as expected, they can fail. Reliability engineering helps you understand industrial systems and machines so that you can estimate the probability of failu

Word of the Month: HEALTH

September  -  word of the month PS:  Don't miss my next post -  Subscribe  to my blog & get a  FREE  guide to being more organised!  

Women of Colour

Yakhani . Originated from the African name Akani which in the Xsonga language means: To Build .   This is a new Manchester based collective that I am part of, founded by Yan Nagaya.  We aim to bring together and empower young women of colour in the UK.    We started off with the Aviwe series, which will be an ongoing collection of talks on topics that affect women of colour. We would like to create a platform for young women to be heard and inspired.  The first event was held on Saturday 15.08.15. This event served both as an introduction to the collective and our Aviwe series - a collaboration with Eminent Youth Journal.   The discussion on the day was focused on notable women of colour from around the world.   By posing some key questions to the audience I lead the discussions. My questions covered women in: Politics.   T echnology/STEM. E ntertainment. Sport and  A uthors.     This is what I discovered: The highest number of women recognized as notabl

Women in STEM: Florence O.

Celebrating and promoting women in STEM (particularly  engineering)  is one of the main reasons I started blogging. By attending various STEM and networking events I have the opportunity to meet such great women.  My first ever feature and collaboration is with an amazing young, talented woman in STEM: Florence. Here is a little insight into her life, career and passions... Name:   Florence Okoye Industry:   Mobile UX/Developer Job:   I'm part of the Mobile development capability at National Grid Coolest thing about your career:  I'm not sure if it's very cool, but the best thing about my job is when I get to travel around and meet engineers who work in the field. It's nice knowing you're part of something that is important and not just about making money. Also you get a better understanding of how the grid works and the enormous effort that goes in to making sure the lights stay on! UX is perfect for anal retentives like me - you ge

May highlights: MGG MiniBarcamp – AutoTrader

A great event that I was part of in May was the Manchester Girl Geeks MiniBarCamp hosted by AutoTrader in the new part of town First Street! So...What is a BarCamp? Well it is a day where people come together and share interesting information with everyone else. So essentially you have no idea what you are going to find out about until the day of the show/presentations, as anyone who comes for the event is encouraged to give a presentation about any particular topic they feel passionate about. It is most commonly known as and ‘unconference’. Most of the talks presented are STEM related but don’t have to be, they can just be a piece of fun/interesting/cool information you want to share with everyone else. And the best part is it’s all free. So all you have to do is turn up and take part either as an audience member or to give a presentation. Program of the day: 1.       Morning:  a.        Registration (As you had to book your ticket before arriving) b.       R