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Can girls Code?

Learning to code – my journey

Like many of you I have gadgets with many APPs on them, they are fun, educational and helpful. Our use of technology has increasingly become a part of our everyday life. From the start of the day to the end of the day, we have various APPs to help us get through the day.

So what is an APP?
It is a software application that can be used on various devices such as: mobile phone, tablet, laptops and computers. They are designed to help your life – this can be in health, entertainment, communication and creating.

Some of that I have: Alarm, Exercise, Bible, Language and Facebook APPs and many more!


Most of these APPs are part of my daily routine and I wondered what APP I could create to make my life easier. So I had an idea to create my own APP but didn’t know where or how to get started. I did a little bit of research and I found two possibilities:

1.   Hire and pay someone to build your APP.
2.  Learn how to build my own APP by learning how to code.

The first option sounds easy enough: find a professional, explain your idea to them, let them design and build your APP and finally get your final finished product. And there you have it – your very own APP. This is simple and can be very expensive, from £100s to £1000s depending on the complexity of the APP. 

For me that didn’t sound very appealing as I love to learn how things work and how they are made. Option two was the best one, as I can learn a new skill and find out exactly the process that goes into making one of these APPs.

Learning to Code: from the beginning.

  • I started by joining a local MeetUp group in Manchester: CodeUp.
  • I signed up to a free teach yourself coding website: Code Academy.

Image source: By Claire D.

Joining a group is a great way to remain consistent. It is great to meet other people who are also learning to Code, at different levels so that they can inspire you.

The MeetUp group meets once a month and it helps me to keep going even though I can try to do it at home by myself, I can easily get distracted and lose dedication to learning. Going to the monthly MeetUp group makes me more accountable to myself to carryon learning.

I have been going for a few months now and I am learning a few coding languages that interest me.

A small but significant way I discovered that I am learning a lot was when I was able to fix a few minor problems with the format of my blog posts. I was so happy and proud of myself for understanding what was wrong and repairing it by writing parts of the html code myself.


I will keep you updated with my progress every few months. And let you know if when I start building my very own APP!

So if you had to create your own APP what would it be?

As always love, comment and share!
Natalie-Claire  x

PS: Don't miss my next post - Subscribe to my blog & get a FREE guide to being more organised!  


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