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April Highlights

April Highlights: New Feature on the blog!
Giving you updates on the various projects and events I am involved in. Most revolving around STEM and other fun life events. Below are 3 events that I enjoyed in April!  

IMechE Annual Dinner – Palace Hotel
Celebrating mechanical engineers!
I was honoured to be a guest at the Annual dinner for mechanical engineers. As part of the Young members panel I was able to earn a place on their table. With prestigious awards presented on the night it was a fantastic evening.
Mark Crabtree OBE was the main speaker a multiple award winner in his field of business and in the music/movie industry. He spoke of his journey from... a curious boy who made his own radio by using spare electrical parts... To a graduate working for an Aerospace company designing various new and innovative testing devices.
His Story was truly an inspiration. Even today he continually works on improving his sound devices for his business and he is especially passionate about getting kids involved in hands on projects that allow them to discover the world of engineering. He currently visits schools in his local areas to encourage their curiosity in how things work.
Other guests included those in the educational sectors, presenting what they do to emphasise engineering as a worthwhile career to young students.
During the evening we as guests  were served a four course meal, took part in a race-car building challenge and also entered a raffle. (A box of Lindt chocolates came my way J.) Ending the evening with a live band for entertainment. 
Congratulations to all the winners and  the overall winner of the night was: Stephanie Durant who received the NW Young Member of the Year Award for her talent and work in Mechanical Engineering. #womeninSTEM
All in all it was a great evening with an amazing atmosphere. 
3D Printing: MOSI and FabLab
Girl Geeks event
The event started with a technical talk and presentation at FabLab where we got to see and hear about some truly fascinating facts about 3D printers. They had a great array of printers on display small and large, some of which can be used by the general public. You can simply bring your ideas and material to the lab and get to work. How exciting is that!
This is such a fantastic invention!
Following the presentation we went to MOSI to see what they had on display. This included many objects that can now be made by a 3D printer. Such as: Human limbs and organs that can be replaced or used for prosthetics. Mini models of anything you can think of. Spare parts for bicycles and other machinery – which is great for a budding engineer like me...whenever I need a spare part for a project I could just print myself one! Wow.
For the fashion lovers out there printing your own clothes and underwear is also possible! There are no limits to what you can make within minutes. It certainly reduces the process of finding suppliers and going to source out products that you could essentially print out yourself!
Young Professionals Social – Dog bowl
Northwest engineers and other professionals social networking event
This was a fun way to network and socialise with other young professionals in the engineering sector. It was a mix of engineers and those that work with engineers on a daily basis including: architects, town planners and even lawyers.
This is one of the events that is organised by the Young members Panel and included a total of 8 different groups of professionals coming together for an evening of fun.
We were treated to 10 games of bowling and some good food.
I certainly enjoyed the evening and would definitely be returning to Dog Bowl – it has a fantastic interior, design and atmosphere. I enjoyed the music selection too. Not to mention the work behind the bowling alley – now that’s some awesome engineering I would like to learn more about. A lot of maths, science and engineering to solve the issues of sound and vibration caused by all that bowling action!
Great night with great conversations. I always learn something new I never even thought of.
Here’s to dreaming about designing my own mini bowling alley in my own home one day.  

As always love, comment and share!
NC-Liberty x

PS: Don't miss my next post - Subscribe to my blog using the scroll bar at the TOP & get a FREE guide to being more organised!  


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