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Showing posts from 2019

How to Plan and Schedule your week: Time Management

My personal development journey began when I got tired of always being late for most things. I couldn't seem to accurately measure how much time I needed for travel and getting ready - I always assumed that it wouldn't take me that long. And I hugely underestimated the unpredictability of public transport, hence the need to allow for extra delays. Last month I went live and spoke about the process I go through to plan and schedule my week. Instagram IGTV - Natalie-Claire: Life Coach Summary: Know your VALUES.  Look at your goals  - monthly, quarterly.  What are your priorities right now?   Your responsibilities.  Top Tips Set a day to plan your week (e.g: Sunday evening) Theme your days Meal plan  Plan your outfits Take time out for your self-care: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Having a clear plan is all about knowing what you want and what you value.  Subscribe and get a free Goal Tracker and a 50% off code for T

How‌ ‌Printables‌ ‌Changed‌ ‌my‌ ‌Life‌

If you ever wondered how I got my life together, it’s with the help of printables, calendars and my diary. I’ve been crazy about printables for about 5 years now and this is how it all began. Life before Printables When I started my personal development journey, I would write everything down. I had at least 3 notebooks in my bag to keep track of everything. I had lots of To-Do lists, one for every day, one for the week and one for the month. I was writing a new list every day even though I hadn’t completed the last one. I didn’t even have a diary at the time, so I created my own timetable with pen and paper. (I don’t know how I survived without a diary) This was my way of clearing my mind of all the clutter. Then one day I was reading about female entrepreneurs and I stumbled upon Michelle Rohr’s blog: This lady has created a very profitable business selling printables online - I was fascinated by her story and I loved all the free printables she was

Subscribe to get your FREE Goal Tracker

                                    Goal Tracker  Printable PLUS:  - Newsletters with productivity tips and goal setting hacks to help you achieve your goals . - FREE worksheets & printables. - New blog post updates.      Subscribe Here     Natalie- Claire  x . If you have any topics or suggestions, just comment below or  contact me !

Vegan Challenge

I’m challenging myself to be vegan full time, here’s my experience so far. The PLAN The plan is simple, to ensure I eat 100% plant-based food in May and hopefully continue.  I have wanted to go vegan since the beginning of the year but I have been struggling to just do it. So, I decided to challenge myself for a month and track my daily habits. ( I downloaded a goal tracker too - every day I put a tick if I was successful or cross if I wasn’t. ) I’ve stacked my fridge, freezer, and cupboards with vegan food so when I'm home I have no problem sticking to my challenge. The real challenge is when I leave the house - that’s when the struggle begins. I have already been a vegetarian for some time now so I understand the importance of having legumes - pulses and nuts for my protein and iron levels. I can’t live without having green vegetables on my plate as that has always been part of my diet since I was little.  The Struggle I have a sweet tooth, so I absolutely lo

Hello 2019

I've taken some time out to think about the direction I want this blog to go in 2019.  The most important thing for me is that my values are clear from the start. Going forward, I want to set the tone for my content and audience. So let's start here:  Things I've said Goodbye to in 2018: Hiding my Christian faith: I'm known for being all about productivity, personal development and a female engineer. As a woman of God, I am all those things and more. Fake friendships: being in a new city all I wanted to do was make new friends but as time went by I realised that some of these friendships do not align with my values and do not draw me closer to God.  Wanting to control everything in my life - I need to trust God more, trust the process and walk in faith.  2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)  For we walk by faith, not by sight. What I'm saying HELLO to in 2019: Serving my church and being of service in my community  Focusing on what God is leading